Best Concealed Carry Classes in Michigan – 2025 Round-up

Michigan is a shall-issue state that requires a permit for concealed carrying a weapon. Here we will dig deeper into the topic of acquiring such a permit in the state along with reviewing the best CCW training classes

Michigan Concealed Carry Laws

Michigan is a โ€˜shall issueโ€™ state and issues a concealed pistol license (CPL) to its residents of at least 21 years of age for concealed carrying a handgun. The permits are issued by the local level by county clerks and only residents of the state are eligible for application. 

Michigan doesnโ€™t grant CPLโ€™s to non-residents. However, it honors the permits of all other US states and territories. Michigan has reciprocity with 39 US states for its CPL. 

Application for a CPL requires completion of a state-approved firearms training course with a minimum duration of 8 hours including at least 3 hours of range time. Applying for the permit at the clerkโ€™s office requires you to bring your certificate of training, and a passport-style photograph. The fingerprints are taken by the county clerk at the office. 

The application fee for CPLโ€™s is $100 for an initial license and $115 for a renewal. The maximum official duration for the processing of applications is 45 days from the date of receipt. Whereas renewals can be submitted not six months before nor one year after the date of expiration. 

CPLโ€™s can be renewed via mail, in-person or online. But the initial application has been filed in-person. Michigan is a Castle Doctrine state and has a โ€˜stand your groundโ€™ law with โ€˜no duty to retreatโ€™ under dire circumstances. 

List of the Best Michigan Concealed Carry Classes

Here we have compiled and reviewed the best concealed carry classes in Michigan. The states recognize only approved courses and these classes are the best at what they do. So read the reviews and find one for yourself. 

1. Michigan CCW Class

Contact Info

  • Address: Lansing and St. Johnโ€™s. Check website for directions
  • Phone: 989-224-3210
  • Length of class: 8 hours( 4 hours for renewals)

Our Review of the Program

The Michigan CCW class offers a complete and very informative 8-hour course on CCW. Their instructors are very experienced and have law enforcement qualifications. Plus they make their sessions very engaging and fun for everybody. All their instructors are approved by all 83 counties across Michigan.

Their fees are very reasonable, given the fact that it includes a handgun, ammo, and protective gear. Plus, they provide cookies and coffee all day, so you can curb those cravings.

The 8-hour class comprises 2 sessions with a one hour lunch in between. The class environment is very comfortable. The range session is about three hours and the range is located about two miles from the classroom. So thereโ€™s some driving involved. However, the good thing is that whether it be scorching sun or knee-deep snow, the classes are always conducted.

The signup process is very simple and requires the participant to send an email. The fee is collected on-premises before the commencement of the class.

Since these courses are state-approved, you are taught about all inโ€™s and outโ€™s of concealed carry. But the instructors go the extra mile to add some tips โ€˜n tricks.

2. AZO Civil Services

Contact Info

  • Address: 8139 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
  • Phone: 269-350-4494
  • Length of class:8 hours

Our Review of the Program

AZO civil services host a myriad of courses to teach CCW and advanced self-defense tactics. Their CPL course is an 8+ hours class with classroom time and a 50 round shooting session on an outdoor range.

The class fee covers writing materials, your certificate, and lunch. However, you still have to bring your own firearm, ammo, and gear. Rentals are available, but thatโ€™s some extra money.

However, the factor that justifies their class fee is the special attention their instructors provide to each participant. You are free to ask questions any time during the class and receive some extra tips for handling self-defense situations.

Another extra addon in their course is an MCRGO membership for 1 year, that keeps you updated on recent law changes and allows access to the communityโ€™s โ€˜Ask a Lawyerโ€™ service.

Typically two classes are conducted each month, and the schedule is promptly updated on their website. These are full 1-day classes only so make sure you can dedicate one full day for training.

The course exceeds state requirements and this is a great institute if you want to continue learning more advanced skills in the future.

3. US Gun Classes

Contact Info

  • Address: 28200, 7 Mile Road, Livonia, MI - 48152
  • Phone: 248-662-5744
  • Length of class: 8 hours

Our Review of the Program

US Gun Classes has presence across many states and the Michigan CPL class is one of their offerings. Multiple classes are conducted at different locations on a given day, so you have ample spots to choose from.

The instructor goes into the depth of topics and explains many extra tricks that you wonโ€™t find with other classes. The instructor, Will is a very friendly and patient fellow who allows you to take your time.

The part most people like about these classes is the option to try 8 different handguns. Which allows you to evaluate and find the best handgun for yourself.

The registration for these classes is completely online and you have the option to reschedule without any extra charges being deducted. The course is equally good for newbies and people who have held or fired handguns before.

The institute also offers classes in an online setting. You can opt for a two-part class with the first 5-hour session on a zoom call with a live instructor, and the second 3-hour range session in person.

The flexibility of finding classes in your locality is a great option. With their most amazing asset in MI being their lead instructor, Will.

4. Concealed Carry Partners LLC

Contact Info

  • Address: 5490 W. Strange Highway Mulliken, Michigan 48861
  • Phone: 517-763-5250
  • Length of class: 8 hours

Our Review of the Program

These classes are run by a beautiful couple and focused totally upon obtaining a concealed pistol license. They also offer an NRA personal protection in the home course and you can take it further for advanced training.

The best thing about these classes is the amount of personal attention you get. Especially during the range session. The instructors are husband and wife and have amazing coordination when taking classes.

The institute also entertains small groups and has options for private classes up to a group of 4 people. The classes cost half as more than normal classroom sessions, but the amount of knowledge and attention you receive is undoubtedly worth the money.

Classes are 8 hours long and held 3 days a week and the fees include snacks and a delicious lunch. Firearm and ammo rentals are provided, but you must bring 100 rounds of ammo if you plan on using your own handgun.

The classes can be small or large, depending upon the traffic. But anyway, the classes are very informative and the class strength is always comfortable. You wonโ€™t find yourself lost in the middle of it.

5. Wayne County Firearms Training

Contact Info

  • Address: Wayne County Raccoon Hunters Association, 37950 Wick Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
  • Phone: 734-250-1825
  • Length of class: 8 hours

Our Review of the Program

This is a top of the shelf class with super informative and friendly instructors. They keep a long day moving very well and ensure you donโ€™t get bored. The instructors handle both newbies and experienced shooters very well so nobody feels left out.

Different techniques of firearm handling are covered and the hosts are not condescending and even ask for any extra suggestions from any experienced shooters in the class.

The training is well organized and the classroom/range is very clean and comfortable. Youโ€™ll definitely walk out with something new to practice when you leave the class. The price of the class can be justified twice over its values.

The institute is very hospitable and provides one lunch and free coffee throughout the class. You have snap-breaks in between to adjust yourself. You can bring your own gun or share one with a fellow shooter at the range. The institute provides guns and ammo rentals at a small extra cost.

The training center is a busy place and is always buzzing around with participants. So pre-registration becomes absolutely necessary. It is among the most popular classes across all of Michigan and offers amazing value for money.

6. Handgun Training Specialists

Contact Info

  • Address: 566 Tennyson, Rochester Hills, MI 48307, United States
  • Phone: 248-309-9579
  • Length of class: 8 hours

Our Review of the Program

The CPL course from Handgun Training Specialists is geared towards online and virtual teaching environments. The institute has the best online training materials and set up to help you learn from the comfort of your home.

You can choose between a live online class or pre-designed modules to take your course. These modules can be accessed at your own pace and have been comprehensively designed to cover the most important aspects in great detail.

Their instructors are all ex-law enforcement officers and have a great deal of knowledge to impart. Their range is one of the best in the state and offers a virtual training simulator only available to law enforcement trainers. So you have the option to choose between a simulation or live-fire training if needed.

The price is quite favorable for budget buyers and the fact that you can take online classes saves you some extra miscellaneous costs and adds comfort to the overall experience.

 7. Detroit Arms LLC

Contact Info

  • Address: 31733 23 Mile Road, New Baltimore, MI 48047 United States
  • Phone: 586-598-5300
  • Length of class: 8 hours

Our Review of the Program

These classes offer a personalized feeling because of the instructors being very patient and friendly with the participants. The instructors are NRA, MCRGO and USCCA certified and the class training is valid across all MI counties.

The classroom has a very comfortable setting with desks organized to ensure everybody gets a good view and proper space is maintained.

The 1 day 8-hour class is all-inclusive of everything but the ammo. The classes serve a tasty hot meal during lunch and have eye/ear protections as giveaways upon completion. Thatโ€™s what makes the price worth it.

Apart from this one day course, the institute has started offering a two-part course due to the recent COVID-19 situation. You can take the course in two parts. The first is a 5-hour live webinar session where a live-instructor teaches you the curriculum.

The second part is a 3-hour range session that can be taken anytime after you complete the first session. Thatโ€™ll solve budget and time problems if any.

Conceal Carry Classes in Michigan Comparison

Check out these best concealed carry classes in Michigan and compare the different factors to find the best one for yourself. 

  • 8 hours of classes with at least firing 98 rounds
  • Affordable classes with equipment and lunch provided
  • Complete course even covering holster selection
View Latest Price โ†’
  • Some of the most qualified instructors in state
  • Includes quality lunch and a very supportive staff
  • Appropriate pricing and ideal training environment
View Latest Price โ†’
  • Get the best instructors in any city across US
  • Complete training and guidance to apply for a CPL
  • Pre-planned quarterly schedule for flexibility
View Latest Price โ†’
  • Optional for small groups or big strength classes
  • Proper individual attention is paid to students
  • Option for private classes is available
View Latest Price โ†’
  • CPL class serves all counties in Michigan
  • Allows one time rescheduling without extra fees
  • 8 hour classes include free lunch and coffee
View Latest Price โ†’
  • Online module and virtual classroom training
  • Shooting simulator and live firing range
  • Learning modules available for sale online
View Latest Price โ†’


Michiganโ€™s concealed carry permit is called the CPL (Concealed Pistol License) and is offered only to residents. Michigan has reciprocity with 39 states and honors concealed carry permits of all US states. It is a โ€˜shall issueโ€™ state with โ€˜castle doctrineโ€™ and โ€˜no duty to retreatโ€™. 

People Also Ask

Find out the answers to some common queries about concealed carrying permits in Michigan. 

Can You Get a Concealed Carry Permit Online in Michigan?

Online permits are only granted for renewals (if the applicant is eligible). For first time applicants, you have to visit your local county clerk office and submit the application, fees, and supporting documents in person. However, you can download the application form from the website beforehand. 

What is the Difference Between CCW and CPL Laws in Michigan?

A CCW stands for Concealed Carrying a Weapon. Whereas CPL stands for Concealed Pistol License. CCW is a generally used term for concealed carry and can also be used to mention a permit in some states. But a CCW allows you to carry any permitted weapon whereas a CPL is only limited to handguns. 

Where Can You Not Carry a Concealed Weapon in Michigan?

You cannot take concealed weapons in schools, public/private daycare facilities, stadiums, liquor serving taverns, religious places, entertainment facilities with 2500+ seating capacity, hospitals, colleges, casinos, courtrooms, and any other place prohibited by federal law. 

Can I Buy a Gun Without a Permit in Michigan?

Only if you are purchasing the gun from a federal firearms dealer. For transactions with private individuals, you need a permit, a background check, and firearms registration. Only residents can purchase handguns, and non-residents can purchase only long guns. 

How Much Are CCW Classes in Michigan?

While the cost of different classes will vary, a common price range would be between $80 - $150 for taking CCW classes. One-on-one or private group lessons can cost a slight bit more, but most classes offer good combo offers for these. 

What States Recognize Michigan Concealed Carry Permit?

A total of 39 US states recognize Michigan CPL. 14 of these are permitless carry states and 4 have restricted reciprocity. States that donโ€™t recognize Michigan CPL are CA, CT, HI, IL, MD, MA, NJ, NY, OR, and RI.


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