Wisconsin is an open-carry state with a low age bar and lenient gun laws. Check out the concealed carry laws enacted in the state of Wisconsin and the process to get a CCW permit. We’ll also review the top concealed carry classes in the state that’ll help you complete the prerequisite training necessary for obtaining such a permit.
Wisconsin Concealed Carry Laws
Wisconsin is a ‘shall issue’ state and issued concealed carry licenses only to its residents. Only non-resident military personnel stationed in Wisconsin can apply for the license. The minimum age to conceal carry is 21 and CCW without a license is illegal under most circumstances, including vehicle carry.
Wisconsin also allows open carry of firearms for US citizens of at least 18 years of age. Without any permit. The eligibility requirements and process for the license application are similar to most states.

Source: Photo by Stephanie Frey/Shutterstock
The state honors the CCW permits of 40 other states and has reciprocity with a total of 32 states. Additionally, permits from states that have a similar background check as Wisconsin law will also be honored. That’s why many people apply for a Virginia non-resident permit since it allows online training and makes the job easier. Colorado, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have restricted reciprocity with the state.
You can conceal carry your gun at most places, except for those exempted by state law, federal law, or the direction of a premise owner. Plus, you are not required to inform an officer about your CCW when pulled over.
An application for the permit can be made via mail or online modes to the Department of Justice. The fee for an initial permit is $40 and $20 for renewals. The maximum processing time as per state statute is 21 days and a license is valid for 5 years.
List of the Best Wisconsin Concealed Carry Classes
We’ve compiled and reviewed the best training classes in Wisconsin. A training certificate is valid for 12 months for a CCW application, so make sure to remember that.
1. Wisconsin Gun Class

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Gun Class is a nationwide firearms training service provider with reach in almost every US state. Their Wisconsin training class for concealed carry permits is available at 20 locations across the state. So no matter where you live, you’ll find something in your vicinity.
Most users rate the course as very informative and educational. Their instructors are very qualified and helpful when conducting the classes. Each of their instructors is NRA and USCCA certified along with any other necessary qualifications for the state.
The class covers all the necessary basics of firearm handling along with shooting fundamentals and the use of gear and gadgets. The course also includes knowledge of mental and moral conditions to encounter violent situations and their aftermath.
The classes are made extremely informative and engaging by the instructors as they provide real examples to help you understand better.
The classes have a strict pre-defined schedule calendar available on their website. Plus they allow online registrations for added convenience. The gun class also offers training for other states, so you have that extra option there.
2. U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)

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What’s better than getting training from an organization that’s dedicated to concealed carry across the country. USCCA is a reputed and recognized body that offers the best instructors and firearm courses across the country. To the extent that most instructors swear by their USCCA qualifications.
The USCCA website is more like a search engine that helps you find the best USCCA certified instructors and classes in your area. You can compare different courses/classes side by side and evaluate them based on their reviews.
The best part of using their portal is that you have a ton of options to choose from, and you can even find free classes in your area.
Since all the classes are associated with USCCA and follow their comprehensive curriculum. You can be sure about receiving the best training you can get. The prices are very competitive and add to the value of this option.
USCCA is a strong community for concealed carry and you can find legal help, advice, and other miscellaneous information and help from their online or offline community modules.
The USCCA is not an insurance company. A policy has been issued to the USCCA by Universal Fire and Casualty Insurance Company. That policy provides the association and its members with self-defense liability insurance, subject to its terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
3. You Carry Safely

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The best CCW classes for people living in the metro Milwaukee area. You Carry Safely is run by John D. Rowe who is an NRA and USCCA certified instructor and NRA chief range safety officer. He puts a lot of effort into training and ensures the learning environment is very comfortable.
The class is very thorough and all aspects of basic firearm handling are properly covered. Active participation is allowed and encouraged to ensure maximum understanding of concepts. The 4 hours of training just fly by, you won’t even notice.
The level of information imparted is amazing and very practical. The institute specializes in teaching new shooters, so beginners can feel at ease. The class also covers tips and tricks on how to deal with realistic situations like carjackings, home invasions, and burglaries.
The class fee is quite fair and presents itself as an affordable option. Upon completion of the class, you receive some valuable training materials as a takeaway. The class size is small so the proper focus can be given to each participant.
John also provides private classes for a group of at least 10 guests. A 10+ gathering and the course is free for the host. Plus, the individual price is the same as the classroom course.
4. Shield Defense Firearm Training

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Shield Defense Firearm Training academy is located in New Berlin. The instructor’s Tom and Paul are great guides on the course. Giving you ample time to settle down and creating a lively learning atmosphere.
Classes are conducted mostly on weekends and fill up very fast. Maybe because of the popularity of the class in the area. Their CCW course is good for Wisconsin and several other states as well. It also exceeds the state set requirements.
Classes teach all the basics of firearm handling, along with legal implications and tricks of situational awareness. All of this is taught using real-life examples and supportive audio/video mediums.
Loading and unloading of a firearm are taught using simulated ammunition. Plus you are also introduced with different types of holsters and other accessories to get acquainted with the trade.
Other than the CCW course, the institute offers a ‘refuse to be a victim’ class that’ll help you prepare yourself for tackling real-life encounters. The curriculum of this class has been developed by the NRA. Options for ‘women only’ classes are also available, along with ‘private and small group live training’ classes for live-ammo range time.
5. Concealed Carry and Family Defense Academy

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CCFDA and Gregg Kizewski offer an extensive 6 hours class for Wisconsin CCW permit class, that covers all the in’s and out’s and more of concealed carrying a weapon. The class clearly covers more than what’s needed by the state requirements.
Gregg is motivated to teach his students about the minutest details of proper concealed carrying. He gives a detailed overview of home defense techniques to ensure you stay prepared for the most common use of firearms - a home intrusion.
He has over 30 years of experience in teaching about firearms. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced shooter, he always has some new information to amaze you.
Unlike many other training classes, these use a SIRT laser demo handgun which not only helps you improve your grip and handling. But also gives you an idea of proper aiming by tracking the laser.
The level of dedication of the instructor can be comprehended by the fact that he offers free refreshers for his students anytime they like. This ensures that you always have a supportive guide to clarify your doubts at no extra cost. This hospitality and support are what separates Gregg from other instructors in the area.
6. Benchmark Training Group

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The institute is owned and hosted by Chuck Beatty who is a friendly, motivated, and awesome teacher who instills fun into the class and keeps it lively. This is a classroom course conducted in the premises at Monona.
The class size is kept low to ensure proper attention towards all candidates. This course builds up a great foundation for your handgun discipline and teaches you intensively about the legal implications of concealed carry.
Taking the class is very comfortable and does not hop over topics quickly. You may take your time and ask questions. While this is a classroom-only course, you’ll be allowed to get your hands on SIRT laser training pistols to practice grip and understand the basic structure of the firearm.
You’ll also learn in-depth about strategies of interacting with law enforcement, how to develop a personal/family safety plan, and avoiding altercations. These are just some parts of the course and you’ll have much else to learn.
Apart from the CCW course, Chuck also offers defense focused firearms training and safety workshops. These can be taken to keep yourself updated and your skills sharp for any encounters in the future.
7. JDR Firearms Safety LLC

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Jim is a very friendly and knowledgeable instructor. He has a soft-spoken personality and doesn’t feel intimidating. Which is what most participants like, especially women.
The institute offers many different courses based upon the NRA curriculum, with insanely affordable prices. So you’ll have options and a friendly instructor to hone your skills in the future.
The concealed carry class is a basic pistol safety class that covers safe firearm handling and concealed carry laws of the state of Wisconsin. Although this is a non-live fire class, the institute offers an option to arrange for live-fire if the participant desires.
The classes have ample strength for proper attention and a strict schedule. If you don’t show up for the class, you won’t receive a refund. So make sure you do.
The class fee has to be paid upfront, which should be a problem since it is very budget-friendly. Private classes are also offered for a slight increase in price and the dates can be scheduled with discussion. This can be a great option for people who are not sure about their schedules.
Conceal Carry Classes in Wisconsin Comparison
Check out and compare the best conceal carry classes in Wisconsin. The state is known for its inclement weather so it's best that you find an option close to your location.
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Wisconsin allows concealed carrying of handguns with a permit. The permit also allows you to carry stun guns, billy clubs, and tasers. Permits are only issued to residents and are honored in 32 states and Puerto Rico. The state honors permit from 40 other states. The permit application procedure of WI is probably the quickest across the country.
People Also Ask
Find out answers to the eligibility requirements, training classes and other legal perspectives of obtaining a Wisconsin concealed carry permit.
Do You Need to Take a Class for Concealed Carry in Wisconsin?
Not necessarily. A total of six qualifications are mentioned in part 175.60(4) of a state statute, either of which can be considered satisfactory eligibility. It also includes an unrevoked active or expired concealed carry license from any other state.
Does Hunter Safety Count for Concealed Carry in Wisconsin?
Yes. A hunter education certificate counts as an eligible proof of training for obtaining a CCW license in Wisconsin. Additionally, you need a license to conceal carry a handgun while hunting if the territory is not owned by or leased to you.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Wisconsin?
The official processing time for a concealed carry permit application in Wisconsin is 21 days. But since the permit is sent by mail, it may take anywhere between 2-4 days more in extreme cases. However, most permits are issued within one or two weeks.
What States Honor Wisconsin Concealed Carry Permit?
A total of 32 states honor Wisconsin’s concealed carry permit. AL, GA, IN, IA, LA, MT, NE, NV, NC, ND, OH, TN, UT, VA, WY, and Puerto Rico. The other 14 are permitless carry states and Colorado, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have restricted reciprocity with WI.